Infrastructure WA

WA's regions

The long-term success of WA relies on generating strong and inclusive growth across the state’s 10 regions.

WA’s regions are highly diverse, with a range of social, environmental and economic strengths, and inequalities such as life expectancy, unemployment and digital accessibility. The regions are highly interdependent, with social and economic linkages spanning regional boundaries and global markets.

The Strategy takes a place-based approach in order to tailor infrastructure responses to the needs and opportunities of the Perth metropolitan area and the state’s 9 regional areas.

The Strategy examines where regional strengths and strategic opportunities intersect in order to identify infrastructure directions to realise their unique potential. Information on the key strengths and infrastructure directions for the state’s 9 regional areas is provided on each individual region page. 

To realise the Strategy’s vision the regions must also leverage their collective strengths. Considerable flow-on opportunity will come from a stronger, more collaborative approach to regional development. 

The Strategy makes recommendations that address several cross-regional challenges and opportunities:  

  • Improving Aboriginal outcomes 
  • Mitigating and adapting to climate change 
  • Securing reliable and affordable energy 
  • Improving water security 
  • Improving waste management and resource recovery 
  • Strengthening regional transport and supply chain connectivity 
  • Improving regional planning and coordination 
  • Addressing gaps in social infrastructure (housing , health , education and training , arts, cultural sport and recreation , justice and public safety)

While each of WA’s regions are distinct, consultation highlighted that many face shared challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed to achieve the Strategy’s vision. As such, the majority of the Strategy’s 93 recommendations apply to multiple regions. It is expected that the unique circumstances of each region are taken into account when implementing recommendations.

WA's regions*

WA region image


Note: Settlement hierarchy as identified in the State planning strategy 2050

* Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), State planning strategy 2050, WAPC, 2014, accessed 7 December 2021.